Cuban Sheet Music

Cuban Sheet Music

Cuban Sheet Music - We are professional musicians who, for over 25 years, have been doing cuban sheet music transcriptions for Orchestras and Bands. We spend many hours on each project, always doing our best to include every note and all the musical feel of the original recordings in score in our catalog.

Cuban Sheet Music - From salsa and every Latin music style from Latin Central/South America and the Caribbean, we have cuban sheet music arrangements and transcriptions for all kinds of bands and orchestras.

If you are interested in Cuban Sheet Music Transcriptions/Charts for your live orchestra, here you will find a very large selection of Cuban Sheet Music with a list of all the instrumental parts included in an arrangement, or if you've searched the site and are unable to find a specific title you are looking for, or if you are interested in knowing more about our Transcriptions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

We will continue to add new songs to our catalog and will welcome your requests for cuban sheet music titles.

For a custom transcription, or if you want to buy a sheet music for a single instrument such as the piano, trumpet, trombone, sax, flute, etc., please contact - Thanks!

All transcriptions are in original key. We will deliver to you professional sheet music as a PDF file (requires Adobe Reader).

Artist Title Listen Parts included are: Price Add to Cart
Adalberto Alvarez Y Su Son Para Bailar Casino (Timba - Son - Live Version) Audio Trumpet 1, Trumpet 2, Trombone 1, Trombone 2, Piano, Bass US$ 35.00

Here is an example of our Sheet Music. Click Here to listen the example

Cuban Sheet Music

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  • All major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover) accepted securely online through

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Cuban Sheet Music

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Latin Sheet Music

Orchestra and Band Sheet Music

Piano Sheet Music

Bass Sheet Music

Trumpet Sheet Music

Trombone Sheet Music